
Santa Claus: The Good Neighbor
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Santa Claus: The Good Neighbor

The legend of Santa Claus is a little mysterious. His larger than life persona has definitely made history. It's kind of strange to think of Santa as an actual real man who lived years ago. However, he was a real person! You could even say that Santa was a good neighbor. He looked out for the needs of those around him and he made it a goal to serve others. He gave his life to bless others! The HISTORY channel shines some holiday light on the very first Santa Claus.

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'Tis the Season to Reduce Waste and Recycle!
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'Tis the Season to Reduce Waste and Recycle!

American households generate 25% more waste between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, adding one million tons of waste to landfills each week. Together, we can help change this statistic. Here are just a few tips and tools from Denver Recycles that will help you keep waste prevention, recycling, and composting in mind as we move into this festive (and often wasteful) time of year:

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Let's Keep Going!
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Let's Keep Going!

Please join me for Colorado Gives Day this year. It takes place onDecember 10, but you can schedule your donation today. Our goal is toraise $5,280 so that we can continue serving our Denver neighbors - likethe Westwood community. Read their story below.

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